Sunday, May 26, 2013

Diet Depression

I've been a horribly bad blogger! If anyone has been here to read my blog, they know this. The truth is, all my inspiration, motivation and competitiveness for the work contest dried up. The other aspect to my big diet FAIL is stress and emotions. It has been a heck of a crazy spring. I want to look forward to summer and I am, but...I'm also dreading it because of this darn diet depression.

Last year I very optimistically took all my summer clothes to the goodwill. There was absolutely NO way I was going to fit into them this year. Guess what? Yep, they'd fit.

Since I haven't been typing, I have still been chasing diets without you. I've tried a few old stand by's that have worked in the past including The New Lifestyle Diet and Weight Watchers.

One of my best friends told me about a medically supervised program she is starting and I was calculating how I could make this fit in my budget. Especially since I'm buying a condo which is all part of the stress and emotional eating pattern I've spiraled down. Diet depression truly equals diet desperation. It's not a good place to be.

This has me thinking of something I've thought about before. Diets work on the symptoms, but not necessarily the problem if you're an emotional/stress eater like me. This has me searching the internet and researching emotional eating.

Here it is Confession # 1. Even though I know I'm only treating the symptom, I'm starting another diet. The newest diet will be Nutrisystem. I could hardly resist. I had a special in my inbox that offered me 50% off of the program for the length of it. Moving out on my own and only worrying about my food costs it will be very reasonable for the budget.

Confession # 2. I'm putting this off until I move. Yes, I need to be patient anyways (another skill I'm working on) until the food gets here. But if the food gets here before I move, I'll wait. I need to have one thing settled in my life. Once I'm in my house I'll start the program and do some side-work on the emotional part of this. I've got some ideas on ways to help solve the problem instead of just treating the symptoms and I can't wait to share them.

The good news, yes in the midst of diet depression there is still some good news. I should close on the house this week and move in over the weekend! That will take away one of the huge stressors I've been dealing with. I should also get my Nutrisystem food this week. Maybe next Monday I'll be back to the diet. The bad news? I'm battling diet depression and completely failed on the first half of the diet challenge at work. It's frustrating, but I'm not going to continue to beat myself up about it and turn all emotional and start eating...seriously, it's a vicious cycle! It stops now.